Google may move into gaming

Google may move into gaming with ‘Yeti' streaming service
Google could be about to branch out into a field that the American firm is yet to dominate: video games. In fact, Google is reportedly developing a subscription-based games streaming service, accessible via its Chromecast digital media player or possibly a new console, according to media site The Information.

The project, codenamed "Yeti," would apparently let users play cloud-based games installed on a remote machine. Google's idea is essentially to build a streaming platform, similar to Steam or Playstation Now, and accessible as easily as possible. It could, in fact, be accessible directly via Google's Chromecast low-cost media player, for example, a device that lets users stream content from various mobile devices (PC, smartphone, tablet) to a TV over Wi-Fi. This solution would have the advantage of making the platform accessible anywhere with an internet connection. Another possibility, suggested by The Information, could be the release of a Google's first ever games console.

Time will tell whether Google could one day become a credible competitor for Sony or Nintendo. More news could come as soon as the E3 video games show, which runs June 12-14 in Los Angeles.
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