Samsung Galaxy S9 passes scratch

Image result for Samsung Galaxy S9 passes scratchThe JerryRigEverything YouTube channel has tortured the Galaxy S9 to see how well it fares against serious damage.
Samsung’s latest Galaxy S9 is not only eye-catching but robust as well. Popular YouTuber JerryRigEverything has tortured the flagship smartphone to test its durability. The Galaxy S9 holds up well and is clearly among the most durable smartphones released this year.
The glass on the back and front of the Galaxy S9 is protected by Gorilla Glass 5, the latest version of Corning’s protective coating. During the scratch test, the Galaxy S9’s begins scratching at Moh’s hardness scale 6. The test shows that the glass is thicker than one found on the Galaxy S8. That probably means the Galaxy S9’s display should hold up against coins and keys. However, the fingerprint scanner which is placed on the back is prone to scratches. Fortunately, even after the tests, it worked just fine.
In a bend test, the Galaxy S9 didn’t cave in and it remained fully functional, something that tells a lot about the phone’s build quality. The Galaxy S9 also fares better in the burn test, with the pixels on the screen somehow recover after being subjected to a flame for 12 seconds.
It is indeed a good news that the Galaxy S9 is strong and won’t break easily under normal conditions. The Galaxy S9 is Samsung’s answer to Apple’s iPhone X and was launched at this year’s Mobile World Congress on February 25. It has got everything a user should expect from a flagship smartphone, including improved cameras. Samsung Galaxy S9 is priced at Rs 57,900 and Rs 64,900 for the Galaxy S9 Plus variant with 64GB on board storage. The Galaxy S9 with 256GB storage is priced at Rs 65,900, while the 256GB variant of the Galaxy S9 Plus is going to cost Rs 72,900Both the Galaxy S9 and S9+ will be made available in India on March 16.
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