How to Create Your Own Facebook News Feed [GoAndroidAuthority]

Interest lists are an optional way to organize the content you’re interested in on Facebook. You can create your own interest lists based on the things you care about, or follow other people’s lists. For example, you could create a Top Indie Bands list that features bands’ Pages and public updates from band members.
When you create or follow a list, you’ll see the best posts from that list in your main News Feed. Your lists will also appear in the Interests section of your bookmarks. Simply click the list’s name to see all the recent posts and activity from the Pages and people featured in the list, without overwhelming your main News Feed.

How do I create my own interest list?

To create your own interest list:
#1. Go to your Interests page and click the Add Interests button.
#2. Click Create List.
#3. Search for the people or Pages you want to add to your list using the search box at the top of the page, or use the categories on the left to browse.
#4. After you’ve selected the things you want to include on your list, click Next.
#5. Pick a name for your list.
#6. Select a privacy setting. Choose Public if you want others to be able to subscribe to the list you’ve created.
#7. Click Done.
If you think one of your friends would enjoy seeing the information featured on one of the lists you’ve created or subscribed to, you can share that list with them:
    1. Go to the list by clicking Home > Interests > More > click on the name of the list
    2. Click Share at the top of the page
Note: You don’t have to like a Page or follow a person to add them to your list. Adding things to a list and subscribing to a list are different from liking Pages or following people featured in the list.
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