Algorithms adopted by google


Procedure or formula for solving a specific problem or to process input in specific manner, by processing a sequence of specified actions. A computer program can be viewed as an detailed algorithm.
Google uses various algorithms to rank websites according to search queries and results. The number of algorithms were adopted and developed by google to make it more successful.
  • Optimization of algorithms
  • Changing algorithms
  • Google Panda
  • Google Penguin
  • Google Pirate
  • Google Top Heavy
  • Google Payday
  • Google Hummingbird
  • Latest PageRank (Not included in info graph but explained below)
PageRank (PR) is a quality metric invented by Google’s owners Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The values 0 to 10 determine a page’s importance, reliability and authority is the key factor of this algorithm.
Because Google looks at links to a Web page as a hit counts, it’s is impossible to confuse the system. The best way to make sure your Web page is high up on Google’s search results is to provide great content so that people will link to your page and your link credits get increased. The more links your page gets, the higher its PageRank score.

Algorithms used by google Infograph

Sushi digital posted an awesome infographic to explain algorithms more in detail about some key points like.
seo basics what are google algorithms and why do they matter1 1 - Algorithms adopted by google and how they important for rankings with infographic
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