With iOS 10.3 beta Apple also improves CarPlay interface


With the public beta of iOS 10.3 Apple improves CarPlay interface, allowing you to select different app quickly.
CarPlay has been designed with the idea of simplicity: a single button to return to Home. On the one hand a family system for iOS users, on the other seemingly easy to handle for those who are driving. However, something didn’t go well and Apple runs for cover with the release of iOS 10.3 beta. Here are the improvements added to the Carplay application.
Currently the problems encountered in the interface CarPlay concern the management of different apps, such as Maps and Music, certainly the main activities when you think about a platform to use when you are driving. At present, to switch between apps, you need to press the screen twice: first to return to Home, and then again to access the second app. Not a huge inconvenience, but it certainly takes time away from driving.
To remedy the situation, with the public beta of iOS 10.3 that Apple released for users to test, the problem is solved. In fact, instead of a single icon in the upper left, CarPlay presents now three. These highlight and list the most recently used applications and let you go more quickly to the selected app.
It is not a huge change, but an improvement particularly welcome. Not only is thus functional, but also a clear signal of the attention that the multinational Cupertino is paying towards CarPlay. The Home button only works on smartphones and tablets, but guidance might complicate things.
When you drive you want to have a particular function with a single tap on the screen. Android Auto, in this sense, acts as a teacher, allowing the user to switch between Dialer app, Music and Maps with a single click of the screen.
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