Nintendo NX and Wii U’s The Legend of Zelda Game Update

The Legend of Zelda is a game that will be available for Wii U and NX, but its release date has been delayed until 2017, when the gaming platform is also expected to arrive, but it’s not sure if the new game will be its launch title.
Nintendo NX and Wii U
Wii U's

It’s not the first time when Nintendo makes this move, as the company did the same with Zelda Twilight Princess, which was delayed on the GameCube so it can be available for the Wii. This made many people to buy the new console and Nintendo earned a lot of money.
According to Nintendo Enthusiast, “The Legend of Zelda” that will be released for the NX will be the superior version, while the Wii U owners will settle for the “low blow” version of the game. However, Nintendo hasn’t made any statements until now, so we should take rumors with a bit of salt.
The first rumors about the existence of the NX console surfaced in March 2015 and leaksters said that this is only a codename, so it won’t be the final name. Fourth president and chief executive officer of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, described it as a “dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept”. Also, Trusted Reviews has reported that the NX device will be part of a new membership service which will replace the Nintendo Club.
There are many speculations about how this console will look like (it will have a similar design to the Wii U) and the rumored release price in the UK is £300. Also, the new Nintendo console is expected to come with a new control method, because developers didn’t use the hybrid controller that was shipped with the Wii U, to its full potential. Also, gamers will still be able to play their games when they’ll leave their homes, because if they’ll be within proximity to the Wii U, they’ll be able to do that via the controller screen.
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