Mark Zuckerberg’s free internet app has been blocked

Mark Zuckerberg’s free internet app has been blocked: The telecom operator of India has blocked the free basics of Facebook that was initiated by Mark Zuckerberg. They supported and were in favor of net neutrality. According to the scheme, users were liable to free internet access to a limited number of websites and the telecom operator would not charge anything for it.
Mark Zuckerberg's free internet app has been blocked
Mark Zuckerberg’s free internet app has been blocked
As the controversial topic went viral all around the globe, there were people against the entire scheme who claimed that net neutrality should be practiced and the concept should be condemned. They said that if the free basic scheme would be launched, then only some online services would be benefited and the rest would not. Thus the bet providers said that they should ban the scheme keeping up with net neutrality.
Furthermore, the free basic schemes allowed free internet only for certain websites like Wikipedia, the BBC and some of the sites related to news as well as weather forecasts. Certain sites related to health issues have also been included. Thus the telecom regulator of the country have ruled out this scheme and stated that there should not be any kind of discrimination on basis of the content in the internet. Every service provider will be provided with equal benefits.
There would be unnecessary mayhem to make a decision of which of the websites to be included under the scheme, said India’s telecom regulation Authority. It would be tough to choose the websites that should be given more priority and be included in the free basics scheme and which ones will not be included. Although the CEO of the leading social networking site, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg claimed that he would do his best to make the free basics legal and provide the basic free internet facilities to all users, we still need to see if he would be able to accomplish his goal or not. The scheme had already been blocked in India. Having heard the news, he said that he would still try very hard and put up with his hard work to break all barriers and boundaries to help people communicate better in India as well as the World. He is still trying to help people connect better with each other by launching the Free Basics facilities.
Mark Zuckerberg stated that his major goal lies in making the Free Basics scheme work in India. He said that more that a billion people in the densely populated country have no internet access and thus lack that means of communication. He wants to break down all barriers and make those people get benefited by providing them basic free internet. Not only will this help them to communicate with people but can actually create a great impact on them. You may also like our previous article, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is back from his paternity leave. This could actually help them get rid of poverty by getting jobs. This can also be beneficial bin spreading awareness about several social issues including education. It will help India develop and benefit the poor and the deprived.
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