Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s will be announced on March 27 and the company’s global spokesperson Donovan Sung has said the upcoming flagship smartphone will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor. Now Xiaomi has put out a new video teaser for Mi Mix 2s on Chinese video sharing website MiaoPai.com, reconfirming the launch date and presence of Snapdragon 845 on the phone. The 22-second long video essentially showcases the numbers ‘8, ‘4’, and ‘5’ being spelled out in sign language.
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s is the successor to Mi Mix 2, which was announced in China in September last year. Apart from confirming Snapdragon 845 and launch date for Mi Mix 2s in an image posted on Twitter, Sung also put out the number ‘273741’, which is believed to be the AnTuTu score of Mi Mix 2s. Of course, details of the new Xiaomi smartphone are unclear at this point of time and we will have to wait for official launch to know more.
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s will be the fourth smartphone globally to ship with the Snapdragon 845 mobile platform. To recall, Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9+ as well as Sony Xperia XZ2 and Xperia XZ2 Compact were launched last month with the latest SoC at the Mobile World Congres (MWC) in Barcelona. In fact, Xiaomi was also expected to debut the Mi Mix 2s at the MWC, but that didn’t happen. Instead, the company will host a separate event to globally launch the Mi Mix 2s.
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s will continue with the an edge-to-edge bezel-less display that we saw on the Mi Mix 2. It is being described as the FullVision 3.0 display. In fact, the new smartphone is likely to be heavily inspired by the its predecessor, barring a few cosmetic changes. The selfie camera is said to be positioned in the upper right corner of the phone’s display. Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s will be feature a dual rear camera setup, consisting of two 12MP lenses with 2x zoom.
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S could come with an in-display fingerprint scanner, first seen on the Vivo X20 Plus UD. However, the information needs to be taken with a pinch of salt given there’s no official confirmation yet. The in-display fingerprint scanner was introduced on the Vivo X20 Plus UD, a feature that was rumoured for the Galaxy S9 and iPhone X in the past. Interestingly, Huawei is also hosting an event March 27, scheduled to take place in Paris. The launch event will see the arrival of the P20 and P20 Plus smartphones. The latter phone is rumoured to sport a triple-lens rear camera.
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