iBall has launched the iBall Slide Enzo V8 tablet for Rs 8,999. The iBall Slide Enzo V8 comes with a 7-inch capacitive multi-touch IPS display. The display resolution is 1024 x 600 pixels and this is an LCD one. The tablet has an all-metal design, which is 10.11mm thick, and comes with a Coyote Brown back panel.
Based on Android 7.0 Nougat, the new iBall Slide Enzo V8 tablet is powered by a quad-core processor and there’s 3500mAh battery support. The iBall tablet also comes with pre-installed Microsoft and Google apps, and supports 22 regional languages in India. Users can also record calls on this device. However, there is no fingerprint scanner on this tablet.
iBall’s Slide Enzo V8 comes with a 5MP autofocus rear camera and 2MP front camera, both with LED flash. This tablet comes with 2GB RAM and 16GB of internal memory, that can be expanded to 32GB via a microSD slo.t/On the connectivity front, the Slide Enzo V8 comes with USB OTG and Y-cable support, that can help connect keyboard, mouse and pen drives. Additionally, the tablet allows USB tethering, as an internet sharing option. This device also has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, a 3.5mm headphone jack.
The Slide Ezon V8 comes with various sensors like GPS, gyro, proximity and ambient light sensors. It will support 3G and 4G data connectivity. The tablet will be sold offline in India.
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