Here is How to make personalised movies using Google Photos

How to make personalised movies using Google Photos
Advancements in technology have resulted in making our lives simper and better in more than one way. One aspect where it has certainly done wonders is clicking pictures and capturing the memories at your fingertips - both literally and figuratively. The cameras on smartphones play a big part in it as we live in times where everyone wants to capture everything -- and at times it can be a bit annoying as well. Be it what you ate for lunch or whether your cat was basking in the sun, people like to capture moments which they feel are worth capturing.

And if that wasn't enough, both Android and iOS platforms come with automatic movie makers that create them by curating collections of your photos and videos. Just this week, Google Photos rolled out a new feature for users to create these videos into themed movies on their own, with a special theme of Valentine's Day movie.

Besides this, there are eight other themes that are also there in Google Photos. These are "Smiles of 2017", Mother's Day Movie", "Father's Day Movie", "In Loving Memory" , "They Grow Up So Fast", "Meow Movie", "Doggie Movie" and "Selfie movie".

This feature is available for both Android and iOS users who have Google Photos app, as well as for those who use the Google web.

If you're wondering how to go about this latest feature in Google Photos, here are the steps you need to follow:

1) Open the Google Photos app

2) Go to the Assistant tab in the app

3) Tap Movie to get started

4) Choose your theme and tap on 'Get Started'

5) Check out the movie that Google automatically created

6) Tweak the results as per your choice for both pictures and background sound

7) Save changes and your video is ready

Commenting on the launch of these themes, Google had said, "These themed movies are rolling out in most countries, and more movie themes will continue to rollout throughout the year,"
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