Lenovo announced the world’s first standalone Daydream virtual reality headset, Mirage Solo, at the CES 2018 tech trade show in Las Vegas. The VR headset does not require to be tethered to PCs or smartphones, unlike the Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR. Lenovo also showcased the Mirage Camera for capturing VR videos in 180 degrees, which users can then watch on the Mirage Solo.
The Mirage Solo features a 5.5-inch LCD screen that offers a 110-degree field of view and comes with a Snapdragon 835 processor, 4GB internal storage and 64GB of native storage. Users will also have an option to expand the internal storage with microSD cards of up to 256GB. Lenovo is not bundling headphones with the headset, though.
Lenovo said the VR headset will be made available in the market in the second quarter of this year. The company didn’t announce the price of the Mirage Solo, but TechCrunch reported that the headset would be sold under $400 (or approx Rs 25,446).
At this year’s I/O, Google first announced it is working with HTC and Lenovo to bring standalone VR headsets that would not need to be plugged into a computer, a games console, or a smartphone. But in November, Google and HTC cancelled their plans for a Daydream-ready standalone headset. Instead, HTC said it will bring the Vive Focus standalone headset, aims at the Chinese market.
Other than the Mirage Solo VR headset, Lenovo announced a camera that has two 13MP fisheye lenses to take 180-degree wide-angle videos and pictures. Lenovo says the captured content can be uploaded directly to Google Photos or YouTube to be viewed with or without a VR headset. The Mirage Camera, which is powered by a Snapdragon 626 chipset, will hit the market in the second quarter of this year.
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