Exclusive 25% OFF Discount Offer! Grammarly Review 2017

I understand:
Inefficiency in English grammar is affecting your success in speaking, reading and writing more than you might realize.
I have a 'quickest solution' (online tool) by which you can learn the grammar rules you absolutely need to know to immediately improve your writing.
One more thing…
… you can easily correct over 250 types of your grammatical errors instantly.
What’s the tool? Do you want to know?
It’s called Grammarly and it checks your grammar.
Since the tool is so awesome, I thought of writing a review of Grammarly.
grammarly review
In this Grammarly review, we are going to see the step-by-step guide on how to use this English grammar checker tool to find all the silly grammatical errors in your articles and correct them.

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly, as the site claim, is the World's Best Online Grammar Checker Tool that proofreads your content.
Within minutes, it gives you a list of all the errors in your article.
These errors might be silly grammar mistakes like using “this” instead of “these” or forgetting to add punctuation marks where needed.
Grammarly review - What is Grammarly
It also offers you a vocabulary enhancement tool as well as plagiarism checker.
According to WikiPedia, Grammarly is a writing enhancement platform. Its proofreading and plagiarism detection resources check for a writer's adherence to more than 250 grammar rules.

Grammarly Review: How to Use Grammarly?

The best thing about Grammarly is that it offers both free as well as premium plans.
If you don’t want to pay for the service, then you can sign up for the free plan, download the browser extension (available for Chrome, Mozilla, and Safari) and correct all your grammatical errors.
Because the service offers you a browser extension, you will find it extremely easy to find and fix the errors on any website with the tool.
The extension works if you are updating your Facebook status, tweeting something, writing articles, or anything related to writing some content.
grammarly extension
The Grammarly extension will scan your content and show you all the errors that need to be corrected.
Let’s see how it works!

1. Using the Extension (Download for free)

Even if you are using the free plan of the application, you will be able to download and install the browser extension (available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari) so you can work with it.
In the screenshot below, you can see that I have written a few words in my WordPress post editor area.
When you have the extension installed, it will continuously scan the words and show the number of errors in the bottom-right corner of the editor. 
grammarly chrome extension.png
When you hover over that number, you will see a slide-in showing you the critical issues and advanced issues that need to be corrected.
If you don’t see any errors then you have no grammatical errors in your content, but if you see something like this, then click on the “Correct” button and a pop-up will open in your browser.
grammarly live editor
As you can see in the screenshot above, your complete content is visible on the left with the errors underlined, and the correct answers are on the right.
One amazing thing about Grammarly is that it doesn’t just rectify your grammar errors like spelling or punctuation mistakes but also shows you if you have used passive voice in a sentence and whether it needs to be changed to active voice. I must say, it's the best sentence checker tool.
Now all you have to do is click on the correct words on the right side, and the errors will be replaced with the correct version.
It doesn’t just work with WordPress but with all other websites where you have to write content.
For example, when I am writing a status on Facebook, it will scan and show me the mistakes there as well.
grammarly extension

2. Using the Web Version of Grammarly

Using the browser extension is extremely simple and saves you a lot of time because the scanning process happens in real-time, but there are times when you might not be able to use the extension.
For example, if you are an article writer and you give the articles to your clients in Word file or some other format, or if you are a student who write a lot of essays, then you will have to make sure that your copy is grammatically correct.
At such a moment, you will need a web interface for Grammarly to check for the errors.
So, here’s how you can find grammatical errors and proofread the article.
Create your account with Grammarly. You can go with the free version of the tool.
Once you have created your account, login to your dashboard, and you will see something like this.
grammarly dashboard
You can either upload your entire document by clicking on the Upload button or click on the New button to copy and paste your content.
Once you have uploaded or copied your entire article in the editor area, this grammar checker tool will proofread it completely to find any errors.
The below image shows some errors when I copy-pasted some paragraphs in the editor.
grammarly editor check
Now you simply need to click on the correct words on the right side and they will replace the errors and proofread the article.
By following the above steps, you will make sure that your article or any other type of content is error-free by proofreading it with this grammar and spelling checker tool.

3. Using Grammarly Add-In for Microsoft Products

Another amazing way to use this grammar corrector is to download the Microsoft Add-In for Word and Outlook.
When you log in to your account for the first time, you will see a notification like the image below to download the Microsoft Add-In.
grammarly add in microsoft word
Note: The Microsoft Add-In works only if you have a premium version of the tool. If you have free version, then you won’t be able to use it.
Download the Add-In setup file on your computer and install it like you install any other software or follow these steps:
  1. Double-click on the setup file. (.exe file)
  2. Then select both Microsoft Word and Outlook and click on Install.
  3. Once the add-in is installed, log in using your Grammarly account credentials (email and password) to activate the add-in.
  4. Open Microsoft Word or Outlook and you will see Grammarly option in the Menu bar.
enable grammarly microsoft word
Next, you need to enable the Grammarly feature in your Word or Outlook document, and it will start showing you all the grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, etc.
It will also show you some redundant words that can be removed from the article, or you can just ignore them and keep those words.
grammarly microsoft proofread

Other Important Features of Grammarly

Grammarly is not just a tool to proofread the article and check for any grammatical mistakes, but it is much more than that because it gives you the ability to make sure that your article is perfect.
Note: These additional features are a part of the premium plan and are not included in the free one!

Vocabulary Enhancement

A feature that I really like is the Vocabulary enhancement feature.
What this feature does it scan the article and find the words that are repeated again and again.
It will then suggest different words with the same meaning. You can replace these words with the suggested words.
You can enable Vocabulary Enhancement feature from the left-hand sidebar.
grarmmarly vocabulary enhancement.png

Plagiarism Checker

The next amazing feature Grammarly offers is plagiarism detection.
I already told you that if you are an article writer, then you need this tool to proofread your content, but what if you hire writers?
When you are the client who purchases the articles from other writers, you will need a tool to check if the articles are original or copied.
Grammarly offers the Plagiarism Checker tool that you can also enable from the left-hand sidebar.
When you enable it, the tool will scan the complete article and compare it with its database of 8 billion pages to show you if it is original or not. 
grammarly plagiarism checker
As you can see in the screenshot above, it shows that the article is unoriginal because I have used the text from an already published page.

Grammarly – Free vs. Premium Version

As I already said, Grammarly offers you two different packages. One is the free version, and the other one is a premium version that comes with additional features.
When you first sign up with Grammarly, it will ask you if you want to continue using the free version or upgrade to premium one.
With the Free version, you get a tool that will check for 100 points of grammar, contextual spelling, and punctuation errors.
Though it is free, it will work anywhere on the web as long as you use the Google Chrome, Mozilla or Safari browser with the extension installed.
grammarly free vs premium
If you are an article writer and your work only involves writing articles, then the free version might be perfect for you.
However, if you get articles from different writers, then you might want to upgrade your account to a premium one because it comes with additional features like vocabulary enhancement and plagiarism detection.
The premium plan starts at $8.75/month when billed annually! (Special 25% Discount). Click here to get the discount.

My Personal Experience With Grammarly

be true when I started blogging 7 years ago, people told me to use Microsoft Office so as to write error-free articles.
After using Grammarly the whole scenario has changed, it feels like I no more need Microsoft Word as the work of spelling and common grammar mistakes are corrected by Grammarly itself.
This not only gives me error-free articles but also helps me improve my article writing by a greater margin.
Unlike Microsoft Word, this online grammar checker tool not only points our errors, it also lets us know the type of error made by us in our writing.
I used to concentrate mainly on common grammar mistakes, spelling errors and vocabulary but due to Grammarly, I now got to know about many other errors like Wordiness, Colloquial Speech, Punctuation between and within a clause error and other types of lesser known errors.
The best part is, it even has a Microsoft Word Add-in; which means I don’t have to visit Grammarly website every time I want an error-free article or blog post.
It also provides a desktop software which makes it easier to use. So I can use Grammarly on the web, on my laptop with an internet connection and also alongside Microsoft Word. Isn’t this freaking cool?
Users' Ratings:

Pros and Cons of Grammarly


Grammarly has tons of advantages and is a great tool in itself. There are four main advantages that I’d like to talk about, and they are…
  • Much Better than Microsoft Word – A ton better than Microsoft Word I must say when compared to the Spelling and Grammatical Errors checking done in MS Word.
  • Corrects over 250 types of Spelling, Punctuation Vocabulary and Grammatical Errors.
  • Plagiarism Checker – Checks for text that Google might consider as copied. As Google penalizes blog post containing over 30% of copied content. This helps me when I copy some quotes or official lines from different websites. Microsoft Word misses this feature.
  • Availability – Available as a web app, desktop software and as a Microsoft Office Add-in.


There really aren’t any cons regarding its functionality, but there are a couple of things that I know most people using Grammarly may face.
  • Use of Web App Space – Once you log into Grammarly dashboard, its navigation bar and Options Panel is fixed and even a lot of space in the footer is also fixed for no reason at all. This reduces the workspace to some extent.
  • Accessibility: Grammarly is inaccessible offline and users must have an internet connection in order to make the best use of the software.

Final Words About Grammarly Review

I’d surely recommend Grammarly to every blogger, student, writer as each one of us wants an error-free article.
Grammarly does what it promises; I was blown by the kind of errors that it picks up in an article.
The best part is it even gives us an explanation how something is wrong, why it is wrong and how to correct it. Never saw such an excellent tool in my blogging career.
If you’ve used Grammarly let me know your experience with it. If you use some other sites similar to Grammarly, do let me and others know about it.
Have you ever faced any problems with Grammarly? I’d want to hear it.
Did you like this review of Grammarly? Do leave your valuable thoughts in the comments section.
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