Impact of 5G on your day-to-day life

As Indians are going gaga over 4G mobile data, there is a lot happening the 5G world as well with Qualcomm announcing its first ever 5G modem, the Snapdragon X50. India is at least four years away from rollout of 5G, but it would be a good thing to know how will 5G connectivity change your day to day life and your connected activities.
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Indians are avid sports lovers and specifically cricket. Online viewing of sports events will be a huge thing in India in a couple of years and that’s one of the biggest things that will be impacted with 5G rollout. Qualcomm has said the chip is likely to be on phones in South Korea in time for the 2018 Winter Olympics. So expect some super selfies from the ski jump. 5G could change the way you watch sports events since everything, from phones to stadium lights, can everything, from phones to stadium lights, can be connected to the internet. You could choose the best view in the stadium and have the game streamed straight to your house. It could also change the experience of fans as sensors in balls, goals and other equipment can transmit possible scenarios, player stats, real-time to phones.
Connected cars will become a norm and driverless cars will get a huge impetus. If we go by current network connectivity standards – specifically mobile – the response times are around 50 to 80 milliseconds, but 5G hopes to reduce this to a mere millisecond. This means everything we do in the mobile realm will be ultra fast and connected devices will receive a major boost. Driverless cars will also garner a greater buoyant force because the bottleneck of data transmission speeds will go away and driverless cars can communicate almost in real time to avoid potholes and jaywalking cows.
Smart cities will become more smart. In a 5G world, a smart city -an urban system where connected devices constantly send data that can be used for routine maintenance and service delivery -could be reality. City corporations could be updated about that abraded road surface or fused streetlight… oh wait, your city will be so smart, the streetlight will warn the corporation that it’s going to conk out in so many hours. But we’d probably still need to figure out a way to get that slothful corporation employee to actually change the light bulb.
Doctors will be able to work remotely. Augmented reality and virtual reality is currently used mainly for gaming, but with 5G, there will be more real-world applications. For instance, 5G networks can help doctors diagnose, treat and monitor health across distance. Robotic surgery will also take a leap forward.
Video chat will become a norm. As download speeds increase, we can have new forms of social media that are entirely dependent on video. Video will make up 80% of content shared in future, say most studies.
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