Youtube is the best video sharing site and one of the most searched engine. They are continuously making changes in their site to make it easier, better and useful. The old YouTubers will complain again, as when youtube replaced the default comment system to the new google+ comments.
There are many types of YouTubers, some post inspirational videos like Sandeep Maheshwari, some post’s serious videos like hypocrisy in India, some posts funny videos like AIB and TVF.
The YouTube message features is a great way to share our favorite video or texts with some other YouTubers. You can also message them to try out your videos and if the person like the video, he or she can suggest to someone or may feature out on their youtube channel.
As per my talk with users, the YouTube messages feature is quite hard to navigate. To reduce spam youtube is going to replace their messages system with a better version. In this guide, we’ll be talking about the messages part in youtube. So let’s fly now to the main section.
Google haven’t put private messages features on the YouTube app yet. You’re going to have to check your email or check your YouTube account on a computer, below is the process.
Read Messages On Youtube

it’s an easy way, just go to and there you can easily read out your messages which you have received. You can also receive the notification of messages from the google+ notification bell.

When you sign in to youtube on there will be your channel name in the top right corner and next to that there will be a bell symbol (these are your notifications) when someone comments on your channel, comments on a video on your channel, or replies to a comment you made there will be a number next to that bell telling you how many notifications you have. click on the bell and you will see everything people mention about your channel.
Sending Private Messages
#1. Visit youtube channel of anyone to whomever you want to send a message.
#2. Click the about tab and there you’ll find the ‘Send message’ feature. Sometimes you need to solve the captcha which is added to reduce spam by bots.
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