How to Import your all Contacts data Into iCloud

In the tech world, one of the most common changes is switching your smartphone operating system. Perhaps you’ve heard great things about Apple’s ease of use and wanted to give iOS a try, or maybe you’re pining for more customization and you’re ready to make the journey in the opposite direction.
Unfortunately, making the switch isn’t so simple because there are lots of practical things to consider. What will happen to all your data? Do your favorite apps have equivalent versions? And can you migrate your contact database?
If you’re moving from Android to iOS, here’s how to import your Gmail contacts into iCloud.

How to Move Contacts From Android to iOS

Follow this step-by-step guide to move your contacts between operating systems:
  1. Go to and log in to your account.
  2. In the left-hand panel, expand the More menu.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Under Which contacts do you want to export?, choose All Contacts.
  5. Under Which export format?, choose vCard format (for importing into Apple Address Book or another application).
  6. Go to and log into your account.
  7. Click on Contacts.
  8. Click on the gear icon in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
  9. Select Import vCard.
  10. Use the popup window to browse to the previously-downloaded file from Google Contacts.
  11. Click Open.
How to Import Gmail Contacts Into iCloud gmail contacts export
Depending on the size of the VCF file, the upload and import process could take a couple of minutes. Once it’s finished, you’ll see all your Google contacts on the screen.
All the contacts will immediately be available in your iPhone’s contact app, along with any other Apple device you own.
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