New Nokia 3310: Is it really going to help Nokia regain its glory?

Since Nokia has unveiled their much awaited smartphones yesterday, the news is out and the suspense is killed. Out of all Nokia had to show, the most attractive product according to me was the Nokia 3310 reboot. It doesn’t mean the Nokia 3 and Nokia 5 were not good, but the classic from the family turned out to be the show stealer. 

Nokia 3310 was one of those smartphones from the past, that have left an ever lasting mark on the fans. I do not disagree that the fans loved it and wanted to see it around once more, so Nokia brought it back. Since the phone is actually here, many of us are writing about it and giving our opinions about it. The same way, I’ll be sharing my opinion about the new Nokia 3310 reboot. 

Is Nokia 3310 reboot worth buying?

Well, it ‘depends’. It is true that some of us asked for it, and the reason is quite silly but true. The only factor favouring the new Nokia 3310 is your love for the device. If you are a Nokia fan and were waiting for it to come, you need no other reason to buy it. But if you cannot handle two phones or you are planning to use it as a primary phone, then it is definitely not recommended. 

For those who will prefer to have some value out of their money, must note that it costs EUR 49 (approx Rs. 3500). If you are ready to barter your money for those flashy colours, the Snake game, or the ‘Nokia’ ringtone, you can still go ahead. Otherwise, you have better options if you care about features in exchange of your money. The best it offers is a colour screen, Internet access, and Bluetooth. 

What about Nokia 3310 reboot in India?

There is no doubt that many of Nokia fanboys are in the queue to get their hands on the new Nokia 3310. It is quite evident that the device will cost something around Rs. 3500 - Rs. 4000 at least. Spending this amount on a feature phone that comes with number of limitations is not what the majority will do. 

We cannot ignore the fact that there are fans that will buy the Nokia 3310 reboot, but the number may not be big. 

How does the company see it?

I don’t think the company ever wanted to make profit out of the Nokia 3310. Since the time HMD has acquired Nokia, fans were waiting to see the new Android phones from the company. The love for the brand is natural and the fans actually remember their products. It looks like Nokia has launched the device as a token of love for the fans and a symbol of rebirth for the company. 

Coming to the features and specifications, I think I am on Nokia’s side. Changing a lot on the device would have killed the real feel of the Nokia 3310, the new variant has managed to keep the soul alive. It is simple, sturdy, yet stylish and has a great battery life too, that is what the old Nokia 3310 was known for. 

Also Read: New Nokia 3310 Vs Original Nokia 3310: Which Phone Is King? 


No doubt, every Nokia fan had a smile on their face when they saw the Nokia 3310 reboot coming out of the bag. Nokia promised to add a “modern twist” to the phone and did a fair job. I just hope Nokia India keeps the price slightly reasonable in for Indian fans, so that it reaches to everyone who has been eyeing for it since very long. It would be sad to know if a genuine Nokia fan fails to buy it because of its price, that’s what Nokia should take care of. 

Honestly speaking, new Nokia 3310 reboot will not play a major role in company's comeback but will definitely help on emotional connect. The mainstream products like Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and Nokia 3 will define the future of of the company.
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