Moto Mods: all of the Moto Z modules currently in the works

Motorola’s Moto Z and Moto Z Play were two of the most innovative phones of 2016, with their new modular designs and a strong selection of extra, add-on functionality in the initial Moto Mod lineup .
The company launched the phones with four add-ons, including a camera and speaker option, but Motorola has also teased it will announce 12 new add-ons for the phones this year.
We've already had a hint of what Mods will be coming to the Motorola handsets, through the 'Transform your Smartphone Challenge', which brought about 12 different finalists that could be made for the phone.
They'll need to be funded before you can slap one on the back of your Moto Z or Moto Z Play, though – and you can help with that, by funding them on Indiegogo, so to see if any are worth your money click through to see all the new Moto Mods that may come to your phone soon.
  • Every Moto Mod you can currently buy
The first project for the Moto Z range is the Edge add-on. It features an RGB (colored) light on the back that will broadcast your phone notifications from the other side of the room.
For example, if you see your phone flashing blue you'll know it's a phone call, while if it's red you've received a text.
It also includes wireless charging features, as well as an extended battery to ensure the flashing light won't drain your tank dry.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
Ever find yourself without phone signal when you need it most? You may want to have a walkie-talkie on the back of your phone for those emergencies, and this Mod from Linc will add exactly that.
It’ll be the perfect choice of Mod to snap on if you’re looking to go out on a long hike and you're worried about losing your signal. It also comes with a Linc app that will allow you to text, share your GPS location, and even offers radio communication for when you're without signal.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
Get irritated by having to take a wallet out as well as your phone? This mod will give you space to store all of your cards and bank notes, and even includes a mirror as well.
You can just snap this on the back of the phone and you’ll have everything you need to leave the house in one handy package. It also includes GPS and a 1,200mAh battery as well for a little extra juice.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
Motorola released a series of Style Shells to give your phone an alternative look without making it chunky like most Moto Mods, which both change the look (often for the worse) and add new functionality, but now someone has managed to combine both form and function in one Mod.
This option comes with wireless charging as well as infrared emitters, so you can use the device as a remote control.
All of this is packed into an attractive wooden package, that's a similar thickness to the normal Style Shells you’d find.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
This is the first phone mod to add a sterilizer to the back of the handset. It uses a UV light source on the back of the phone to sterilize objects immediately, whether it’s a finger or a spoon you want to keep clean.
Whether this will actually work properly is unclear, but it’s a novel idea and useful for anyone who wants to keep their hands clean.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
This won’t be the first time a phone has tried to charge up through solar power, but usually this is handled with external chargers rather than cases, while this Moto Mod will mean you can use light to keep your phone juiced up when you're on the go.
Bear in mind you'll need strong sunlight for this to work, and whether you'll realistically be able to charge your phone up to full with this Mod is currently unclear.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
This is a measuring instrument for scientists, packed full of tools including a goniometer, lux meter, wireless probes and loads more, essentially adding a pocket laboratory to the back of your phone.
It works alongside an Android app that will allow you to document your project development, display readings and make calculations, but this won’t be for everyone. You're only going to want to buy this if you're a scientist.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
When setting up a smart home, it can be difficult to decide what app to use to control it. 
But rather than bothering to fire up an app at all you can now have a controller for your smart home on the back of your phone, in the form of The Palm. You can program the buttons on the Mod to the functionality you want around your home.
You’ll get two sensors in the box alongside the Palm Smart Remote, so you can set it up to control everything from your lights to your kettle.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
This may be the strangest of all the options on the Moto Mods list – it’s a pair of earphones built-in to your phone. Considering there’s no headphone jack on the Moto Z, you may find the EarMods a great idea though.
You can pull the earphones out of the bottom of the Mod and they will retract at the simple push of a button when you’re done with them.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
It's another very specialist tool here, but if you’re into using a synth this could be what you've dreamed of having on the back of your phone.
It allows you to add features such as tactile control, a high resolution screen and storage to your synth, and it's all handled through the back of your Moto Z and an Android app.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
This is another option for when you’re out of cell service. The Modulator acts as a digital walkie-talkie and uses strong encryption - ideal when you need to communicate with people securely or are just in a signal blackspot.
The Modulator will also soon work with a series of sensors and standalone devices, which are mostly aimed toward the security space.
  • Read more about the project on Indiegogo
Journalists won’t be the only ones to find this voice recorder for the back of your phone useful.
You may think an Android app can record just fine, but the microphones in the Digital Recorder Mod will offer a much higher quality recording. There are also easy to hit buttons on the back of the phone to control playback when you're transcribing a recording.
There’s 4GB of storage inside for recordings and this sounds like a great Mod for anyone who needs to record conversations regularly.
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