You can create a Twitter Moment on your iOS or Android device by going to your profile tab (Me) and tapping the gear icon. Tap Moments and then tap the plus icon.
You can also start a new Moment by tapping the arrow icon on any tweet and choose Add to Moment. You can add the tweet to existing draft or published Moments, or you can tap the plus icon to create a new one.
Finish your moment
Once you've created your new Moment, regardless of how you got started, you'll want to do add a title and description. You can also add a photo as your cover image by tapping the camera icon, but only if you want to use a photo saved on your phone. If you'd prefer to use a cover image from the tweets you add to your Moment, you'll want to make sure you've added tweets with images.
Tap the Add Tweets button to start/continue adding tweets. You can add your tweets (including retweets), your liked tweets, or search for the tweets you want to add. Once you've added the tweets with images, tap the Camera icon and any images in tweets will now show up as an option to add as a cover.
Once you've added the tweets with images, tap the Camera icon and any images in tweets will now show up as an option to add as a cover. After you add your image, tap the picture icon in the top-right hand corner and tap the camera icon again after which you can select Crop Cover. This will allow you to determine which part of the image will be displayed on the phone. You can also crop individual photos in each tweet.
Once you've added all your tweets and image, you can also tap the Reorder tab to get the tweets in the order you want. To reorder them, just tap the tweet you want to move and drag it to its new position.
You can then tap Finish Later in the top left corner to save a draft or tap Publish in the top right corner to share your Moment with your followers.
Other settings you can add include sharing your location with Twitter (not your followers) to extend the reach of your Moment, and you can also mark it as NSFW.
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