Cameron Gears Up For Final EU Reform Talks

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David Cameron faces another day of frantic negotiations to secure a new deal for Britain at Thursday's meeting of EU leaders.
The Prime Minister has been warned he will have to go all out to win over eastern European leaders.

He is also battling to keep his party together as Eurosceptic ministers prepare to speak out.
David Cameron and Viktor Orban
Downing Street conceded there "are still details to be nailed down" to win an agreement this week.
But it insisted Mr Cameron's talks with key figures in Brussels on Tuesday had been "useful".
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The Prime Minister was told he has an "extra mile" to go to persuade the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to back his proposed reforms.
They have made it clear they are opposed to significant changes to benefits, while No 10 is keen to avoid watering down the package.
According to the Daily Telegraph, Belgium, France, Spain and Hungary also have strong reservations.
Cameron's promises vs Cameron's Proposal
The newspaper says a leaked text shows they plan to trim back the deal, then prevent it being copied to halt a "contagion" of reform across Europe.
Even if he does win the backing of his fellow leaders, the proposals could still be rejected by MEPs.
Britain's renegotiation is the first item on the agenda for the European Council summit.
David Cameron with new Cabinet
If he is successful Mr Cameron will call an immediate Cabinet meeting on his return to the UK.
The meeting will effectively fire the starting gun on the referendum battle as Eurosceptic ministers will be given the green light to campaign for a Leave vote.
Mr Cameron's favoured date for the poll is understood to be 23 June.
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