Top best memory card for Android smartphone: SanDisk 16GB or Strontium 8GB microSD

Best memory card for Android smartphone: SanDisk 16GB or Strontium 8GB Micro SD? If you have an Android smartphone and that too a low storage one, the first thing you will go for from the accessory perspective will be a microSD card. There are multiple options that you can go for when it comes to microSD cards and it could be very confusing when it comes to selecting one.
sandisk strotium microsdhc cards
While today’s Android smartphones support up to 128GB microSD cards, the high storage variants are particularly expensive and might not fit everyone’s budget. 8GB, 16GB or 32GB microSD cards are just fine and they will do the job just about perfectly. The internal specifications of these microSD cards are not easy to understand and the obvious factors on which you would end up deciding on which card to go for are price and storage.
Consider the case of this Strontium 8GB microSDHC card which normally retails for about ₹ 230. The memory card is just about perfect for first time smartphone users and will help you store ample of apps, photos and videos. If you head to, it is retailing for an amazing ₹ 155 only. Equipped with a speed Class rating, Strontium 8GB microSDHC card promises a minimum data transfer rate that ensures optimal performance with all the devices you use it in.
If you have a requirement of a memory card with higher storage, the next best option currently on is SanDisk 16GB Class 4 micro SDHC Memory Card that is retailing for just  ₹ 265 instead of its original price of  ₹ 350. This memory card allows you to save a lot of photographs, songs, videos and many more downloads that you’d like to browse and play on your smartphone or tablet. There’s enough place for videos recorded using your gadget.
The Verdict: The SanDisk card is a class 4 card and this means that it will be a little slower than that Strontium card. However, you will have to compromise on the storage size if you go with the Strontium variant, but you are paying a lot less than the SanDisk. If speed is what you are after, then you should go for the Strontium one.
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