If you’re on board with your Apple Watch nudging you to move a little more or get up from your desk now and then, but you’re not a big fan of it nagging you to breathe, it’s easy enough to silence the reminders.
There’s plenty of research indicating that taking a moment out of a busy day to do a little deep breathing is beneficial. But if you don’t want your watch nagging you to sneak some meditative breathing into your work day, it’s easy enough to turn off (although maybe, just maybe, if you’re getting mad at your watch for telling you to chill out and breath for a few minutes, maybe you should take it up on the offer and chill out and breathe for a few minutes).One of the big selling points of the Apple Watch is that it puts notifications and reminders right on your wrist, encouraging you do to do healthy things like move more (by nudging you towards your Activity Goals for daily movement), stand more (if it senses you’ve been sitting at your desk too long, it reminds you to stand up and move around), and even breathe (a new feature in watchOS 3 that encourages you to take a moment to do some deep breathing every few hours).
To do so, open up the Watch app on your iPhone. Scroll down until you see the entry for “Breathe”. Select it.

Within the Breathe menu, select “Breathe Reminders”.

Toggle the setting to “None” and exit the app.

Your watch will no longer remind you to take a break to perform deep breathing exercises—if you’re on a nag-killing bender,
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