A big source of concern is the `blue light'.
The light spectrum includes ultraviolet, infrared and visible rays. Blue light is a part of visible rays and has the high est energy wave length.
Blue light is a part of our daily requirement from sunlight that helps us stay alert, assists memory and elevates mood. Psychologists are known to prescribe `sun therapy' to their patients for the same reason.
While we have always been exposed to blue light from the sun, experts have started to worry about an increase in exposure from electronic devices.“In present times, humans are getting exposed to many other sources of blue light such as LEDs, CFLs, tablets, televisions and computer screens.
There is no doubt that the exposure of blue light is on the rise. This cumulative exposure over time has the potential to damage the photoreceptors in our retina -the light-sensitive part of the eyes -which in turn slowly leads to blindness," says Dr Santhosh Chidangil, professor and head of department of Atomic and Molecular Physics at Manipal University .
“The human eye is sensitive to the visible parts of the spectrum. Everyone knows how ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eyes and skin.Ultraviolet reaches the front part of the eye and is responsible for causing cataract. Blue light has the ability to reach and damage the back part of the eye, leading to retinal damage," adds Chidangil.High exposure to blue light can lead to vision loss similar to age-related macular degeneration.
Not just eyesight, long-term exposure to blue light can also potentially cause other issues.“Researchers have shown that light influences humans physically by affecting hormone secretion, heart rate, alertness, sleep propensity, body temperature and even the gene expression.In certain other experiments, it has been shown that blue light can potentially elevate body temperature, heart rate and reduce sleepiness," says Chidangil.
Ruchika Shah never liked watching television, but the 30-year-old had a habit of scrolling through her mobile phone before sleep. “It became a habit when I couldn't immediately go off to sleep after turning the lights off. But after a while, it became a catch-22 situation: I was on the phone because I couldn't sleep and then I couldn't sleep because I was on my phone," Shah says.Unfortunately , that habit took a toll on Shah's eyesight, which was already weak. “After almost six years of my power not changing, my doctor told me that I now have astigmatism," she says.
Dr Rajesh R, who works as a consultant for vitreo and ocular oncology for Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru, says that apart from blue light, one should also be aware of ultraviolet rays that have the potential to damage your eyes. “Ultraviolet light can have harmful effects on the cornea, lens and retina. It can lead to light sensitivity, progression of cataract and retinal damage," he says.
In present times, it may be difficult to keep oneself away from devices that emit blue light, as most are required for our daily work and entertainment. However, there are ways to limit its exposure. “There are many apps on phones and protective devices for desktop and computer screens that allow you to limit your exposure to blue light. The apps remove blue light from the screen, giving it an almost sepia look.
But more importantly , it is necessary for people to switch off and not use devices at least two hours before going to sleep," says Dr Janaki Chopra, a general physician practising in Hyderabad.
- You don't need a black mirror 247
- Plan your day and evening so that you can stop checking your phone at least an hour before sleeping
- You can switch off mobile internetwifi of your phone before going to sleep to avoid getting distracted by notifications
- Keep your phone away from the bed. This will also help you get up when the phone alarm rings in the morning
- Develop the habit for you, and people around you, to not be available online 247
- Instead of watching TV or laptop, pick a book or any offline activity to help you wind down before sleep
- Keep television, laptopdesk top outside the bedroom
- While using tech devices
- There are many mobile apps that you can choose from that remove blue light from screen
- Use red light for night light for the bedroom
- Keep the brightness of your phone and screens to the minimum
- If you're using an electronic device, follow the 20-20-20 rule: After 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at an object around 20 feet away
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