Bangalore's civic body BBMP puts technology at work, ultimately

Bangalore's civic body BBMP puts technology at work, finally
An e-khata facility which promises to enable citizens to apply for and get a khata online is among a slew of technology initiatives the city civic corporation (BBMP) has announced.

“We've made preparations at the backend and the facility will be launched in two months," Municipal Commissioner N Manjunath Prasad said. A khata is a revenue document that records details of a property for the purpose of property tax payment.

The announcement of the e-khata f acility in the civic body's Rs. 9,241-crore budget presented on Saturday has brought relief to citizens as getting a khata is a cumbersome process. “Citizens can upload documents and get the khata online.They don't have to come to our offices," Prasad said.

This year will also see the launch of an online building plan approval system. This will allow citizens to submit building plans online, for which approvals also will be notified online. “This, too, will be ready in two months," Prasad said.

The civic body has often received flak for not using technology to improve governance in India's IT capital. Services such as booking time slots at electric crematoriums, ob taining permission for road cutting, applying for birthdeath certificates and application or renewal of trade licences have gone online.

"The Geospatial Enabled Property Tax Information System (GEPTIS), which has brought nearly 20 lakh properties into the tax net, will be enriched with the help of Isro “to build property footprints and correlating them with available data," BBMP taxation and finance standing committee chairperson MK Gunashekar said. BBMP Restructuring Committee member V Ravichandar hailed the use of technology for better citizen services but pointed out that each service cannot work isolated.

“Ideally, availability of cleaned-up property tax records and the urban property ownership record (UPOR) system are needed for the e-khata to work effectively.The building permits need to feed into the property tax system. A unique geo-referenced property id will also be necessary ," he said.

The civic body has announced a few mobile apps as well.For instance, an app to track pothole maintenance has been developed for officials. Another one in the pipeline is for health officers, who will get tablets to monitor and file spot reports on public health.

Citizens will get an app to suggest saplings and the place where they can be planted, besides helping them track their growth and maintenance.
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