At the kick-off event, Manish Sharma, President of Panasonic India Pvt. Ltd., participated along with Takuma Sawada, head of the Air Conditioning Center, Panasonic Appliances Company. Sharma explained Panasonic's extensive business domains and case examples from other countries as well as the importance of the commercial business in India.
Dealers were taken to a factory tour where Panasonic manufactures its air conditioner and washing machine. “PI will continue to develop products that meet the country's needs and determinedly expand its market reach and market share,” stated company in its press release.
Air conditioner "Sky" series
This is a series of air conditioners well received in Southeast Asia with air outlets on the top of the unit. In India, the majority of air conditioners blow air directly onto you, but this series proposes a new value, to cool the entire room by directing cold air along the walls and ceilings.
Washing machine "FOAM PREMIA" series
To respond to local needs for better washing performance, this series is equipped with the "STAIN MASTER" washing program, which removes stains , such as curry and oil stains. The series also adopts the global model design, which makes it significantly easier to take laundry out of the machine.
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