Best Streaming Music App for Android

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Spotify is the best streaming music app that you can download for Android. With an impressively large catalog, radio stations, playlists and the ability to listen to a single song or a full album, it offers the best listening experience no matter what you are looking for.


Spotify Music

Spotify Music pulls to the head of the pack with its huge collection of music and the wide variety of features that it employs. The biggest perk is the wide variety of ways that you can find new music while exploring the app. You've got genre and mood stations that are great if you're throwing a party and want to turn on music to play for a while. It's also easy to build playlists or listen to an entire album from beginning to end. With the emphasis on social connection, you can even share your music to your favorite social network, or browse the music that your friends are listening to.
Bottom line: Spotify Music delivers an awesome experience, with all tons of features to make listening to music fun and easy.
One more thing: Spotify has Chromecast support, which means that you cast your music to make sure everyone can hear what is going on.

Why Spotify Music is the best

A massive catalog and emphasis on social connection, and great features to make your listening experiences amazing.
Having an adaptable music service that gets me access to whatever I want to listen to is kind of a big deal for me. I still have over 50GB of music saved on my PC. Spotify manages to win out through the sheer size of its music catalog — updated regularly —and the number of features it delivers.
You get all of the features that various different services offer in one place. Whether you like to find new music, have great playlists for parties, listen to entire albums, or have something great to work out to, Spotify has you covered. It's constantly evolving the way that you find and experience music, and even brings a social aspect in by letting you browse the music of people you are friends with.
Sarah Mitroff of CNET calls Spotify "The King of streaming music":
"On the surface, Spotify is just another app that lets you play millions of songs you don't own for a monthly fee. But look deeper and you see a constantly evolving service that seeks to reinvent how we find and play music."
To get access to everything Spotify has to offer you will need to pony up for a $9.99 monthly subscription. The price tag is well worth it though. You'll remove ads, get unlimited skips, and be able to download your playlists to listen to them even when you aren't connected to the internet. In a nutshell, it's well worth the extra money for the access to the full toolbox of features. There is also the ability to set up a family account which can hold 6 individual accounts for just $14.99 a month.


Pandora Radio

If you're looking for the best option for streaming music on a budget, then you need look no further then Pandora Radio. Pandora was one of the first streaming music platforms, and it's still popular for a good reason. You can create a station for a song or artist and then you'll get music that is related. By liking or disliking the music that plays you can curate stations so that you only hear the music that you enjoy.
Pandora Radio includes not only music, but also some audio you might not expect like Epic Rap Battles from YouTube and stand-up comedy sets. On top of creating and curating stations you can also browse stations by genre or mood. As you like music you'll also get access to Thumbprint radio, a station filled with only the songs that you have liked on other stations.
While you are limited to a specific number of song skips with the free version of Pandora, once you have curated your stations this shouldn't be a real issue. You can have as many stations as you like, and it's easy to add variety to an existing station if you want to hear something new.
Bottom line: Pandora offers a massive collection of music that you can explore by browsing pre-made stations, or by creating and curating your own music stations.
One more thing: While you are limited to the number of songs you can skip, you can go around this by just switching stations.


Google Play Music

Google Play Music has an impressive catalog when it comes to music, and may actually come installed when you get a new phone. While it does many things very well, (especially since Songza was added to the mix) Google Play Music really shines for those of you that also enjoy listening to podcasts. From Nightvale to The Joe Rogan Experience, Google Play Music has a full section available for podcasts built in. This means that you can search by charts, category, or by specifically looking up your favorite podcast. You can easily add podcasts to a favorite list to make them easy to find again. You're also able to manage your subscribed podcasts by auto downloading or receiving notifications about new episodes, as well as choosing the order that episodes are displayed in.
Bottom line: Google Play Music's gigantic collection extends out to dozens of podcasts for you to enjoy. With features that let you customize your listening experience.
One more thing: When you find an awesome new podcast, it's easy to share with friends on social media right from the podcast page.



In terms of streaming music services, Tidal is still one of the younger players on the block. Don't let that trick you, though. On top of their catalog of exclusive music like Beyonce's Lemonade, or Prince's full album list, they are also hands-down the absolute best experience for audiophiles.
Tidal delivers high fidelity sound on both its songs and its music videos. While they don't have quite as large of a catalog as some other services, the 40 million tracks that they do have are top notch in quality. Tidal also boasts a ton of great music that is exclusive to the service.
Bottom line: Tidal offers a great selection of music, makes it easy to find new favorites, and best of delivers a superior listening experience with High Fidelity audio.
One more thing: It's easy to find great new music with the curated recommendations of albums and playlists.


Apple Music

Apple Music
Apple Music might not sound like it should belong on an Android phone, and that's where you would be so very, very, wrong. Apple Music has a solid collection of music with 30 million tracks, but it's their playlists that should get you intrigued. Building personal playlists can be fun, but there are times you just want to find awesome music with as little work as possible.
Apple Music brings you thousands of different playlists that have been curated for pretty much every genre or activity on the planet. As you find and listen to music, you'll also get special playlist recommendations that can help you to discover entirely new music.
Bottom line: Apple Music delivers a superior experience when it comes to playlists. You can easily find great playlists by searching, or delve into your recommendations to find the best new music you've never heard of.
One more thing: In order to access those awesome playlists, you will need to pony up for a monthly subscription.


Spotify Music

Spotify Music pulls to the head of the pack with its huge collection of music and the wide variety of features that it employs. The biggest perk is the wide variety of ways that you can find new music while exploring the app. You've got genre and mood stations that are great if you're throwing a party and want to turn on music to play for a while. It's also easy to build playlists or listen to an entire album from beginning to end. With the emphasis on social connection, you can even share your music to your favorite social network, or browse the music that your friends are listening to.
Bottom line: Spotify Music delivers an awesome experience, with all tons of features to make listening to music fun and easy.
One more thing: Spotify has Chromecast support, which means that you cast your music to make sure everyone can hear what is going on.
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