How to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

How to kiss a girl for the first time on her lips? You had spotted that girl and you liked her in an instant. Luck was on your side when you asked her out for a date. How fortunate can you be when she agreed to see you again on the next date? By this time you are thinking, could be the next date the best time to kiss her? Before you go to that concern, ask yourself first if you are ready for the first kiss. Do not forget that girls always see the first kiss as an important factor in dating. For them, it signals how compatible you are with each other. It shows how far you can go beyond dating. So better perfect that first kiss. If you are having butterflies in your stomach, these tips on how to kiss a girl for the first time will guide you through. You can also read how to give a hickey?on our website.

Tips to Kiss a Girl for the First Time on Lips

Kiss a Girl for the First Time On Lips

Be Ready to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

The first kiss is not a spur-of-the-moment scene. If the girl you are dating is really special to you, you have to make sure that your first kiss will be memorable. In other words, the first kiss must be carefully planned. You just have to be ready for it. Look good. Smell good. Have a fresh breath. Physically, you must be attractive. This will do wonders when you kiss a girl for the first time.

Be Private to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

The first kiss is one of the most intimate and romantic part of dating. Despite you want to tell the whole world that you kissed, the action must be done in private. Since it is a special and intimate moment, make sure that there are no other people privy to your first kiss. In this case, a club or crowded restaurant is not the ideal place for the first kiss. The place must have just the two of you to make the moment really special and memorable.

Be in Charge to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

The guy initiating the first kiss may sound old-school. The good news is that girls love old-school! So, be in charge of your first kiss. Do not wait for her to do it. Most of all, do not ask her permission if you can kiss her. This is a major turn-off. When it comes to kissing, girls still love the guys take the lead.

Be Romantic and Flirty to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

Since first kiss does not just simply happen, you must set the proper mood for it. Be extra sweet on your date with a tinge of flirt. Say something that will make her feel special and attractive. Compliment her dress, or her hair. Or tell her you love the way she laughs. A subtle but not suggestive touching will help set the mood. The moment has got to be romantic yet comfortable. Do not overdo it, though. Any form of exaggeration can definitely spoil the plan.

Be at the Right Moment to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

Remembering that the right moment to kiss a girl for the first time is an important factor. You do not want to just kiss her while she is immensely talking about her hobby or job. You do not want to plant that first kiss immediately after you settled in the car. The moment has to be right. If it is time, the conversation will just stop and you will just stare into each other’s eyes. The moment will just tell you that it is the right time to kiss her.

Be Easy, Yet Gentle to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

Now that the right moment has come, it is the best time to plant that first kiss. When you kiss her, you lean your face towards her as she comes near yours. When your lips lock, go easy, soft, and gentle. Kissing a girl for the first time must come sweet and smooth. When you kiss a girl for the first time, you do not do it torridly. In fact, the softer the first kiss, the better it is for her.

Be a Gentleman to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

No matter how you liked her, the first kiss is not a gateway to a sensual scenario. You want her to feel comfortable with your kiss, so be a gentleman when you do it. If the kiss is getting intimate, allow your hands to caress her, but only on the right places. That means you only will touch her on her head, face, arms, and back. Be on the safe zone for the meantime. She will realize how gentleman you can be, and your first kiss will be more memorable to her.

Be Mindful of the Clues to Kiss a Girl for the First Time

Take note that the first kiss must be soft, gentle, and short. The short first kiss must serve as a gateway to more kisses to come. But still be mindful of her clues. Take note of her body language. You can tell from her hands, lips, and tongue if she wants a more passionate and intimate kiss. Do not disappoint her when you see the clues.
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