Adcom says, it sold about 1,000 handsets to Ringing Bells for Rs 3,600: Yet another grand news is here about the mysterious Freedom 251 handset. The controversial rumors take another step when there were news that a firm from Delhi said that Ringing bells has purchased a few handset. They had sold one hundred handsets in Rs 3600 per unit. This is quite shocking since the phone was actually priced at Rs 251. The company’s name is Adcom.

Rs 251 phone: Adcom says, it sold about 1,000 handsets to Ringing Bells for Rs 3,600
Earlier, we saw that Ringing Bells has made the announcements about this smart phone named Freedom 251. Ringing bells informed the media that those were prototypes that had provide to certain guests as well as the media to get feedback and form their very first impression.
Ringing Bells even clarified that they happen to have several more partners who helped assemble the smart phones which costs as low as Rs 251.
The Noida based company had admitted that they had partners and when they were asked about the details of their partner, they named an unfamiliar company which also happened to be Noida based. The firm from Delhi, Adcom informed that they would get legal notice and would take action against them if their occurred any kind of loss or irrelevant spoilage of the brand name due to any activities.
The company, Ringing Bells has announced about the release of the smart phone the previous month which would be the cheapest smart phone of the world, the Freedom 251 which is priced at a meagre amount of Rs 251.
To add weightage to such a fantasied thing, the company has also managed to show a sample of the Freedom 251 gadget which looks a lot like the Ikon 4 which is already sold at the stores and priced at one rupee less than four thousand.
The mystery is that no one can understand how they could evaluate the money so that the pieces would fall in the jig saw puzzle. Ringing Bells had bought the phones at Rs. 3600 per unit approximately. Thus, the mystery has not been solved yet. Stay tuned for further updated about the cheapest phone of the world.
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