Home Remedies For Hair loss in Women

Home Remedies For Hair loss in WomenYou could lose at least 100 of your 100,000 scalp hairs each day So you shouldn’t be alarmed if this is the case with you. Usually, the lost hair is replaced by a new hair from the same hair follicle, located just below the scalp’s surface. Luckily we have some great home remedies for hair loss in women to speed up growth.

Preventing Hair loss in women is possible, make sure you are consuming a good amount of vegetable and fruits, try to stay away from chemicals that might damage your hair, and add some vitamins to our daily intake. Furthermore, be assured that now-a-days there are good treatments to control it as well.

Women also lose more hair as they age. Many experience a generalized thinning of the hair or a “widened part” in the center of the scalp after menopause. This is called female pattern baldness.
Premature hair loss or thinning can also be due to a wide variety of other causes. Most women lose quite a bit of hair in the two to three months after they deliver a baby, and this can continue for up to six months. One and a half to three months after severe stress, operation, infection, or high fever, a person may also lose a lot of hair. Likewise, two to three months after crash dieting with insufficient protein intake, hair may come out in handfuls.

As with male pattern baldness, hormonal changes and genetic predisposition are to blame. Although they do not usually lose as much hair as men do, women are also constantly searching for a cure for this distressing problem. All in all, more than two-thirds of all men and women have some type of hair loss or thinning during their lifetime.
Many prescription drugs can cause reversible hair loss. Cancer patients treated with certain chemotherapeutic drugs may lose up to 90 percent of their scalp hair, but it eventually returns after their treatment is finished. Birth control pills that contain high levels of progestin also can cause hair loss.

Other possible causes of hair loss include trauma; syphilis; tumors; thyroid disease; connective tissue diseases; bacterial, fungal, or herpes infections of the scalp; improper hair care with tight hairstyles, overbrushing, or overuse of dyes and permanents; and, in women, too-high levels of male hormones.

Many different nutrient deficiencies result in hair loss, including deficiencies of vitamins A, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin C, copper, iron, and zinc. Hair loss can be a sign of vitamin A toxicity as well as deficiency. Vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, copper, and iron are necessary for the normal formation of red blood cells that supply oxygen to the hair shaft.
Copper also functions in the formation of hair pigmentation, so copper deficiency can also cause color changes in the hair. With vitamin-C deficiency, the hair splits and breaks easily, resulting in dry, kinky, tangled hair. Silica also is important for hair growth and strength. Vitamin E is also necessary for good scalp and hair follicle health.

There is also an immune problem known as alopecia areata, in which the hair suddenly comes out in totally smooth, round patches. This condition can cause a lot of pyschological stress. A person with alopecia areata can also lose hair from his or her eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, and the other hairy areas of the body.

Because a full head of hair is associated with virility, youth, and attractiveness, hair loss and thinning can have a huge negative psychological impact on a person. If you start losing more hair than normal, a dermatologist will try to identify the cause by taking a complete history doing blood tests, and examining your hair visually, under the microscope, with hair analysis, and, perhaps, with a scalp biopsy.

List of Home remedies for Hair loss in Women

  • A high-potency multivitamin and multimineral daily.
Beta-carotene. Take 25,000 international units daily.
Vitamin-B complex. Take a supplement containing 100 milligrams of most of the major B vitamins.

Also take an additional 50 milligrams of biotin daily.

Vitamin C. Take 1,000 milligrams twice a day.

Vitamin E. Take 400 international units daily, with 100 micrograms of selenium to aid its absorption.

Iron. Take 50 milligrams daily.

Zinc. Take 50 milligrams daily, with food and with 2 milligrams of copper.

Silica. Take 250 milligrams twice a day.

Free-form amino acid complex. Take 2 grams (2,000 milligrams) three times a day, before or after meals.
  • In addition to correcting any vitamin deficiencies, women whose hair loss is due to physical trauma, crash diets, or heavy menstrual periods can benefit from supplementation with a high-potency multivitamin and 50 milligrams of iron, together with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C to boost iron absorption.

  • Thinning hair can be a sign of poor nutrient absorption, which in turn can be due to an insufficient supply of stomach acid or bacterial overgrowth in the stomach. Taking one tablet of hydrochloric acid (HC1) and one digestive enzyme capsule after starting each meal, plus 1/2 teaspoon of powdered acidophilus dissolved in 2 ounces of water twice a day between meals, can aid in nutrient absorption.

  • Inositol with choline has been found to stimulate hair regrowth in some people with nonscarring alopecia. Take 200 milligrams twice a day.
  • Saw palmetto is the first choice of many herbalists for male pattern bald ness. Saw palmetto blocks the formation of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone thought to kill off hair follicles and lead to androgenic alopecia. Take 160 milligrams twice a day.
  • Some people have had success using aloe. It is suggested that you apply the gel to the scalp every night before bed, and also take 2 tablespoons of aloe juice orally each day.
  • Mix 5 drops of nettle extract and 10 drops of rose Mary extract and apply to the scalp once a day.
  • Arnica can be applied to the scalp twice a day in the form of a cream, ointment, or hair rinse made from arnica tincture diluted with warm water. Arnica increases local blood circulation, and may thereby help promote hair growth.
  • Jojoba oil may help with hair loss when applied to the scalp.
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